machine fanuc15m
message output = false
block order = true
incremental centre = true
tool reset coordinates = 3
counter start = 1
counter increment = 1
integer 69 = 2
zero = "0.0"
spindle azimuth rotation = false
azimuth axis units = degrees
azimuth axis direction = positive
azimuth centre = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
azimuth axis param = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
spindle elevation rotation = false
elevation axis units = degrees
elevation axis direction = positive
elevation centre = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
elevation axis param = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 )
pcs origin = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
linear axis limits = ( -9999.0 9999.0 -9999.0 9999.0 -9999.0 9999.0 )
rotary axis limits = ( -0.0 0.0 -20000.0 20000.0 0.05 0.03 )
initial tool vector = ( 0 0 1 )
workplane angles = none
retract at angular limit = false
unwind at tool change = false
multiaxis coordinate transform = true
linearise multiaxis moves = false
withdrawal amount = 100.0
integer 3 = 1
define block tape start
%D Day ; %M Month ; %Y Year ; %h Hour ; %m Minutes ; %s Seconds ; " )"
if ( DPversion < 1361 )
end if
VER DPversion ; OFN OptionFileName ; " )"
ID JobName
N ; G4 05 =C ; " P10000"
N ; G2 40 ; G3 17 ; G4 80 ; G6 49
N ; G5 91 ; G6 28 ; z coord 0
end define
define block tool change first
TT ToolType ; " )"
TN ToolName ; " )"
if ( ToolType = "BALLNOSED" or ToolType = "ENDMILL" or ToolType = "DRILL" )
TD ToolRadius ; TLH ToolLength ; " )"
TD ToolRadius ; TR TipRadius ; TLH ToolLength ; " )"
end if
THK Thickness ; " )"
NT ToolNum ; T ToolNum ; change tool
N ; G5 90 ;
set swa
end define
define block tool change
if ( cycledwell = 0 )
N ; G4 80 ; M2 9 ; M3 59
end if
if ( cycledwell > 0 )
N ; G4 05 =C ; " P0"
end if
N ; G5 91 ; G6 28 ; z coord 0 =C
N ; G6 49 ; H 0
N ; G6 28 ; x coord 0 =C ; y coord 0 =C
TT ToolType ; " )"
TN ToolName ; " )"
if ( ToolType = "BALLNOSED" or ToolType = "ENDMILL" or ToolType = "DRILL" )
TD ToolRadius ; TLH ToolLength ; " )"
TD ToolRadius ; TR TipRadius ; TLH ToolLength ; " )"
end if
THK Thickness ; " )"
NT ToolNum ; T ToolNum ; change tool
N ; G5 90 ;
set swa
end define
define block move from
end define
define block cldat 1094
set swa
end define
define block move rapid
if ( swa )
"( ======== )"
TPN ToolPathName ; " )"
"( ToolPath Time" ;
tpt ToolPathTime ;
secs ( Word{tpt} % 60 ) ;
mins ( Word{tpt} - Word{secs} / 60 % 60 ) ;
hrs ( Word{tpt} / 60 - Word{mins} / 60 ) ; act ( Word{act} + Word{tpt} ) ;
%h Word{hrs} ; %m Word{mins} ; %s Word{secs} ; " )"
if ( Word{act} > Word{tpt} )
"( Accumulative Time " ;
secs ( Word{act} % 60 ) ;
mins ( Word{act} - Word{secs} / 60 % 60 ) ;
hrs ( Word{act} / 60 - Word{mins} / 60 ) ;
%h Word{hrs} ; %m Word{mins} ; %s Word{secs} ; " )"
end if
"( ======== )"
unset swa
end if
N ; G1 ; G2 ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ;
elevation axis ; tool length ; spindle ; M1 ; M2
end define
define block move linear
if ( swa )
"( ======== )"
TPN ToolPathName ; " )"
"( ToolPath Time" ;
tpt ToolPathTime ;
secs ( Word{tpt} % 60 ) ;
mins ( Word{tpt} - Word{secs} / 60 % 60 ) ;
hrs ( Word{tpt} / 60 - Word{mins} / 60 ) ; act ( Word{act} + Word{tpt} ) ;
%h Word{hrs} ; %m Word{mins} ; %s Word{secs} ; " )"
if ( Word{act} > Word{tpt} )
"( Accumulative Time " ;
secs ( Word{act} % 60 ) ;
mins ( Word{act} - Word{secs} / 60 % 60 ) ;
hrs ( Word{act} / 60 - Word{mins} / 60 ) ;
%h Word{hrs} ; %m Word{mins} ; %s Word{secs} ; " )"
end if
"( ======== )"
unset swa
end if
N ; G1 ; G2 ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ;
elevation axis ; tool length ; spindle ; feedrate ; M1 ; M2
end define
define block move circle
N ; G1 ; G2 ; G3 ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ; radius =C ; feedrate
end define
define block cycle start
if ( cycle = 2 or cycle = 3 or cycle = 5 )
N ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; drill hole depth ; clearplane ; drill peck depth ;
DW cycledwell ; feedrate
end if
if ( cycle = 6 )
# Bore
N ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; drill hole depth ; clearplane ; Q1 300 =C ; feedrate
end if
if ( cycle = 1 and cycledwell > 0 )
N ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; drill hole depth ; clearplane ; DW cycledwell ; feedrate
end if
if ( cycle = 1 and cycledwell = 0)
N ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; drill hole depth ; clearplane ; feedrate
end if
if ( cycle = 4 )
N ; M1 29 ; S ToolSpeed =C ; M2 3 =C
N ; G4 ; G5 ; G6 ; drill hole depth ; clearplane ; feedrate
end if
end define
define block move cycle
N ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ; feedrate
end define
define block move tap
N ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ; feedrate
end define
define block cycle end
if ( cycledwell = 0 )
N ; G4 80 ; M2 9 ; M3 59
end if
if ( cycledwell > 0 )
N ; G4 05 =C ; " P0"
end if
end define
define block tape end
N ; G5 91 ; G6 28 ; x coord 0 =C
N ; G6 28 ; y coord 0 =C
N ; M1 30
end define
end |