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[英语综合] 尿布外交!英国呆萌小王子海外出访

发表于 2014-4-10 19:20:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At just eight months old Prince George is already stealing the limelight away from his parents as he gets his first taste of the spot light as they embark on their tour of New Zealand and Australia.
t is the first official tour for the prince, who was awake in his mother's arms as the trio were greeted at Wellington airport by Prime Minister John Key and waiting media.


It was only the second time the baby has faced the press. His parents possible worry about how their son will handle the tour will be exacerbatedby the fact that he is teething - with several gnashers clearly visible as he smiled and gurgled on the first day of their official tour to Australia.


The duchess's fashion choices are expected to be closely scrutinised during the tour and she arrived in New Zealand wearing a red coat with gold buttons - from British designer Catherine Walker, who was a firm favourite of Diana, Princess of Wales.


She teamed her outfit with a red pillbox hat designed by Gina Foster and a silver fern-shaped brooch, a symbol of New Zealand.


She has been loaned the diamond and platinum piece by the Queen, who had herself received it as a gift during a visit to Auckland 60 years ago.


Prince George wore a cream cardigan and matching shoes.

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