几年前,在一份月刊的文章里,我的导师Bill Tobin 为一份杂志写了一篇文章,是关于锁模力的重要性,里面谈到了许多注塑员在日常工作中,经常会使用过大的锁模力。
We all know that if you don’t have enough clamp force for the projected area of the parts, flash will result. Enough clamp force is essential, but too much can be detrimental and counter productive.
Too much clamp tonnage, whether it is being applied trying to correct a flash condition (Again, fix the mold!), or being applied out of a (poor) habit has its consequences. Excess clamp puts more abuse than is necessary on the press. Toggles, tie bars and platens are subjected to more mechanical abuse than is necessary. If the molding question is too small in area, platen damage can be accelerated. The platens can actually “wrap around” the tool, or hob in the center areas. Minimum mold areas for platen size should always be observed, even in minimum clamp situations. Too much clamp puts a bigger than needed load (burden) on the pumps of hydraulic machines, especially a direct-clamp hydraulic press, and even too much of a burden on the servos, and of course mechanical links of an electric press.