1. Run 'ISScript10.msi' from
DVD1:\Redist\Sentinel RMS License Manager
2. Run 'Sentinel RMS License Manager 8.5.1.msi' from
DVD1:\Redist\Sentinel RMS License Manager
3. Run 'WlmAdmin.exe' from
DVD1:\Redist\Sentinel RMS License Manager\Tools
expand node of Subnet Servers, right click the server name and select:
Add Feature > From a File > To Server and its File, browse to file
'lservrc.lic' and open it.
4. Install TopSolid.
5. Select 'Floating license' > 'Client AND License Server' > fill your hostname
and type 255 > select 'Launching shortcut' > select 'No' to
'Install protection codes now?'
6. Choose whatever modules you need and complete installation.
7. Open file 'top.cod', replace the string 'yourhostname' with your real
hostname, save it and copy to 'C:\Missler\Config' (default),
overwrite the existing one.
8. Verify system variable 'LSFORCEHOST' has been properly set to your hostname.
9. Verify launching arguments '-fMissler/255/6.14' has been properly added to
shortcuts of TopSolid.
10. Reboot your computer to ensure the license server is started.
11. Run TopSolid