搜索"parc ", 注是parc加个空格,搜索到以下块,看红色部分提示就明白了,把IJKOUT前面的*号去掉就不用输出I0J0K0了。
parc #Select the arc output
if (plane$ = zero & (arctype$ = one | arctype$ = four)) | #XY Plane
(plane$ = one & (arctypeyz$ = one | arctypeyz$ = four)) | #YZ Plane
(plane$ = two & (arctypexz$ = one | arctypexz$ = four)), #XZ Plane
result = newfs(two, iout)
result = newfs(two, jout)
result = newfs(two, kout)
result = newfs(three, iout)
result = newfs(three, jout)
result = newfs(three, kout)
if (plane$ = 0 & arctype$ < five) | (plane$ = 1 & arctypeyz$ < five) |
(plane$ = 2 & arctypexz$ < five) | full_arc_flg$ | arc_pitch$,
#Arc output for IJK
# If you do NOT want to force out the I,J,K values,
# remove the "*" asterisks on the *i, *j, *k 's below...
if plane$ = zero, *iout, *jout, kout #XY plane code - G17
if plane$ = one, iout, *jout, *kout #YZ plane code - G19
if plane$ = two, *iout, jout, *kout #XZ plane code - G18
!i$, !j$, !k$
#Arc output for R
if abs(sweep$)<=180 | (plane$ = 0 & arctype$ = five) | (plane$ = 1 & arctypeyz$ = five) |
(plane$ = 2 & arctypexz$ = five), result = nwadrs(srad, arcrad$)
else, result = nwadrs(srminus, arcrad$)
if (plane$ = 0 & arctype$ < five) | (plane$ = 1 & arctypeyz$ < five) |
(plane$ = 2 & arctypexz$ < five) | full_arc_flg$ | arc_pitch$,
#Arc output for IJK
# If you do NOT want to force out the I,J,K values,
# remove the "*" asterisks on the *i, *j, *k 's below...
if plane$ = zero, iout, jout, kout #XY plane code - G17
if plane$ = one, iout, jout, kout #YZ plane code - G19
if plane$ = two, iout, jout, kout #XZ plane code - G18
!i$, !j$, !k$
] |