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[英语综合] 10位颇具影响却从未活过的人物

发表于 2014-3-31 17:19:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We have done numerous lists of people and things that have had a great influence on man and they are always popular, so today we are presenting another list of influential people – but this time, they are people who never existed. There were hundreds of people to choose from, so this has been a fun list to compile. We hope you agree with our choices, but if you don’t, feel free to use the comments to tell us who you would have put here instead.
10.圣诞老人(Santa Claus)

What child has not been frightened into behaving thanks to the ever-present youthful fear of Santa not providing come Christmas? Almost all western children were told by their parents that Santa would leave them nothing if they misbehaved. I speak from experience when I say that it was one of the most effective methods of stopping tantrums! Funnily enough, though, the fear always dissipates on Christmas Eve as you just know that Santa will be coming – even if you did slip up a few times.



As Barbie has progressed from a pretty young woman to whom all girls could aspire, to something often verging on the likeness of a harlot, one can wonder whether it was Barbie influencing children, or children influencing Barbie. There are certainly many similarities. Barbie has depicted almost every possible female lifestyle choice and I think there can be no doubt that she has been at the start of the path many women have taken in life.


8.罗宾汉(Robin Hood)

This could potentially lead to a debate about whether Hood existed or not, but I am of the opinion that he did not. Therefore, he is listed as my number eight on the list. I am sure we have all heard someone justifying theft because the victim is wealthy – and where did this justification come from? Not just the principles of redistribution of wealth that many of us live under in Western Society (read envy taxes) but the fact that to this day, we are all raised believing Robin Hood was a hero – when, in fact, he was a thief. Stealing is almost always wrong, and just because Robin Hood gave the proceeds of his crimes to poor people, it is not a valid justification. As for the previously mentioned taxes, there is every reason for us to believe that the majority of people accept these taxes because of their prior belief in the false morality of the Robin Hood story.



This is one for the boys obviously! Even in remote New Zealand where I grew up, all the boys played "Cowboys and Indians". The cowboy was a great hero with a shining gun who represented the morality of Western ideals: manliness, defense of justice, protection of women and children. No doubt many now cringe at the lack of political correctness involved in the game and stereotype, but kids aren’t politically correct (thank God) and certainly won’t be hindered because of it. The influence of the Cowboy movie genre is indisputable an immense one. Oh – and for those who say "but cowboys are real!" – yes – but this is about the concept – not about a specific person – just as we might say Santa existed as St Nicholas, the concept is bigger than any one person.

很显然这个是专门为男孩们列进来的!即使在我的故乡——遥远的新西兰,男孩们也都会扮演“牛仔和印第安人”。牛仔是一位带着闪亮手枪的大英雄,他代表了西部典范的美德:男子气概,捍卫正义,保护妇女和儿童。毫无怀疑,现在许多牛仔由于缺乏竞技和模式化形象方面的政治正确性而感到难堪,但是孩子们在政治上也不正确(谢天谢地),当然也不会因此而被阻碍扮演牛仔。牛仔题材的电影影响力非常大,这一点也是无可争议的。噢——对于这些说“但是牛仔真实存在呀!”的人而言——是的——不过这是关于概念——不是关于一个特定的人——正如我们会说圣诞老人曾以圣尼古拉(St Nicholas)的身份存在,概念的范围要比某一个人大得多。

6. 万宝路牛仔(The Marlboro Man)

How many men reading this list who smoke, are smoking cigarettes with filters? Venturing a guess I would say all of them. Before the Marlboro Man campaign began, "real men" didn’t smoke cigarettes with filters – they were for women. The aim of the Marlboro Man campaign was primarily to get men smoking filtered marlboro cigarettes. The influence of the campaign is abundantly clear today. The campaign is considered to be one of the best in all history. According to Wikipedia, it transformed a feminine campaign, with the slogan ‘Mild as May’, into one that was masculine, in a matter of months.


5. 铆工罗西(Rosie the Riveter)

And now another for the girls! Rosie the Riveter may not be a familiar name, but her picture certainly is. Rosie the Riveter told women that they can do anything – and they did! Rosie managed to motivate an entire generation of working-age women to get out of the home and in to factories to help the war effort. This is probably one of the most influential events of the Second World War. Once the floodgates of women working were open, they would never be closed again. All women working in traditional male jobs have Rosie to thank.


4. 代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯(Daedalus and Icarus)

In a short 24 hours, you can fly from one side of the planet to another. This (one of man’s greatest achievements) may never have happened if it had not been for the mythological characters Daedalus and Icarus. The story tells of Daedalus building mechanical wings for his son Icarus and ever since the tale was told, man has lusted after the ability to take the sky and fly. This eventually came true and the entire planet is a changed place as a consequence of it.


3. 勇敢的小火车头(The Little Engine That Could)

The moral of this children’s tale is that self-belief, optimism, and hard work result in achievement – of even the most difficult tasks. The book first appeared in a slightly different version to today, in 1906. It has been regarded by many as a metaphor for the "American Dream". The popularity of this book may also be a contributing factor to the huge number of self-help and "positive thinking" seminars and books that we see today.


2. 老大哥(Big Brother)

A relatively modern addition to this list, Big Brother has been a influence in so many social protests that he has to be included here. His name comes up every time a government passes a restrictive law or a law which seems to remove aspects of our eternal freedoms. Everyone recognizes his face, everyone knows what he stands for, and everyone is terrified of the potential for our own lives to be governed by our own version of the fictional character. Big Brother was, of course, created by George Orwell for his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.


1. 罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)

Not only can Romeo and Juliet be blamed for much of our ideas of the "perfect relationship" – I think it can also be blamed for a high percentage of divorces. Couples going in to marriage seek the ideal of a relationship based entirely on passion and romance, and when that romance dims (as so often is the case) they feel cheated and believe the marriage has failed. When in reality, passionate romance is not required for a healthy marriage – while respect, love, and charity is. Romeo and Juliet have much to answer for!

罗密欧与朱丽叶要受到责怪,不仅因为我们 “完美感情”的想法很多都是由此而生——我认为他们被责怪还因为他们造成了高离婚率。走进婚姻殿堂的情侣们追求的理想是:一种完全基于激情和浪漫的关系,而当浪漫逐渐暗淡下来(通常都是这样的),他们感觉受骗了,就认为婚姻失败了。而在现实中,充满激情的浪漫对于一个健全的婚姻而言并不是必需的——而尊重,爱以及宽容才是。罗密欧与朱丽叶需要付的负责太多了!

原文标题:Top 10 Influential People Who Never Lived
原文作者:Jamie Frater
译者: 心若兰的一亩三分地
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