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发表于 2016-3-11 12:42:59 | 显示全部楼层

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Simply put, if these criminals occupation, so hunting magic is the expert; whether, from the aspects of both "-- as long as you don't make a sound, does not cause these guys pay attention, do not involve you!" Once again repeated the words before Siduofei,Cheap Australia Pandora Charms Free Shipping, forced a black cloth at the back; a bundle of eight immediately after the first seven were two words before and after the arrangement of the javelin appears in Ye Qi's view -- every one of the javelin is about four feet long, the baby's arm thickness; copper black javelin in the night still shining metal unique texture,Cheap Australia Pandora Jewelry Charms, especially the tip,2016 Australia Pandora Jewelry, the slightest cold edge, but it is in no doubt as to the sharp degree. "Stay here!" Shouted Edge again explained the sentence Siduofei,Cheap Pandora Jewelry, slowly drew a behind the javelin; and then, the whole people like a wildcat, a few deft, quietly disappeared in the night jump; even to each other, the motorcycle headlights are aligned with the outer chamber witch remains, but no one saw Siduofei leave traces of figure. At the Siduofei disappear figure, had leaned over in the odd leaves under low a nervous look, smile, immediately put a made him feel more comfortable position, leaning on the wall; then,Australia Pandora Jewelry Charms, picked up before he had been taken as props in the hands of the M1911, can't shrug -- in his blind fight perception,Australia Pandora Jewelry Outlet, just each other from the crowd of three individual volatility has completely disappeared, and the case is only one possibility: death. In front of the heart is about Si Duofei,Pandora Jewelry By Australia, these are just ordinary people or slightly stronger than ordinary people want to give Si Duofei a bit of trouble is not a very difficult thing. But these difficulties mistake can be fatal to Siduofei, that is quite absurd -- to become a qualified hunting magic, absolutely not easy; just basic training. It takes about three to ten years to complete, need and in the process was successfully completed more than five branch announced after the task,Australia Fashion Pandora Glass Beads, can be called a trainee hunting magic; as for the formal hunting magic title, would require a more lengthy time. And complete the task more dangerous, are eligible. In these, hunting magic branch announced the task, even if it is one of the most simple, than before the situation more difficult after all. In front of the enemy while the number reached ten, but they are still relying on gunpowder weapons to arm their human; risk degree compared to the creatures of the night, the ten men also is just can be summed up to hunting the initial training course in the sample. Therefore, when the blind fight perception belongs to Siduofei fluctuations in these are the criminals behind the fire, ye Qi is very clear, the fight was over -- the sou sou sou...... In the cover up, javelin and broken almost no sound; even a few of the rest, a few people physical quality is good feeling is not right. Dart has also appeared in front. Don dodge; metal objects with a 'chi chi' s good.
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