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[分享资料] CREO 二次开发语言归纳

发表于 2017-7-6 09:35:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CREO 二次开发语言归纳

1. Protk Pro/E 二次开发工具包 1.1. Protoolkit C语言开发工具包

      CREO Parametric TOOLKIT is the C-language customization toolkit for PTC Creo Parametric. It provides customers and third-parties the ability to expand PTC Creo Parametric capabilities by writing C-language code and seamlessly integrating the resulting application into PTC Creo Parametric. It provides a large library of C functions that enables the external application to access the PTC Creo Parametric database and user interface in a controlled and safe manner.             PTC Creo Parametric TOOLKIT is aimed at software engineers with experience in C programming. They should also be trained in the basic use of PTC Creo Parametric
(上面英文大概意思:Creo Parametric工具包是PTC的Creo参数C语言定制工具箱。它提供了客户和第三方通过编写C语言代码和无缝集成的应用到PTC的Creo PTC Creo Parametric参数扩展能力。它提供了一个大型图书馆的C函数,使外部应用程序访问的PTC的Creo参数数据库及在可控和安全的方式的用户界面。PTC的Creo Parametric工具包是针对软件工程师在C编程经验。他们也应该在PTC Creo Parametric的基本使用培训。)

1.2. Weblink JavaScript开发工具包 Web开发工具包  
       This manual describes how to use Web.Link, a tool that links the World Wide Web (WWW, or Web) to PTC Creo Parametric, enabling you to use the Web as a tool to automate and streamline parts of your engineer ingprocess.  
        This manual assumes you have the following knowledge:   
• PTC Creo Parametric
• HTML   
• JavaScript
(上面英文大概意思 本手册介绍了如何去使用网络。链接,一个工具,链接的世界宽Web(WWW,或Web)PTC Creo参数,使您使用Web作为一种工具,自动化和简化你的工程师ingprocess部分。本手册假定您有以下知识PTC的Creo Parametric JavaScript的HTML)

1.3. Jlink Java语言开发工具包  
        This manual describes how to use J-Link, a Java language toolkit for PTC Creo Parametric. J-Link makes possible the development of Java programs that access the internal components of a PTC Creo Parametric session, to customize PTC Creo Parametric models.  This manual assumes you have the following knowledge •  PTC Creo Parametric   • The syntax and language structure of Java.
(上面英文大概意思:本手册介绍了如何用J-Link,用于PTC的Creo Parametric Java语言工具包。J-Link的Java程序可以访问一个  PTC的Creo Parametric会话内部组件的开发,定制PTC的Creo参数化模型。本手册假定您有以下知识 PTC的Creo Parametric 语法和语言结构的Java。)
2. Otk  面向对象开发工具包  
2.1. object_toolkit_java_user Java 面向对象开发工具包

      This manual describes how to use PTC Creo Object TOOLKIT Java, an object based Java toolkit API for PTC Creo Parametric and PTC Creo Direct. PTC Creo Object TOOLKIT Java makes possible the development of Java programs that access the internal components of a PTC Creo session, to customize PTC Creo models.  
       This manual assumes you have the following knowledge:   
• PTC Creo Parametric   
• PTC Creo Direct   
• The syntax and language structure of Java.  In future, the methods of PTC Creo Object TOOLKIT Java will be enhanced to extend support to all PTC Creo applications.
(上面英文大概意思:本手册描述如何使用Java对象的PTC相信Toolkit工具包,Java API for an object based and PTC PTC特性,我想生活。我想可能是PTC工具包Java对象访问java programs that the development of components of the internal to我对PTC PTC相信session,自定义模型。本手册是你的知识:the following PTC PTC特性•••我想直接structure of the Java语法和语言。in the methods of future,认为对象的Java工具包将PTC PTC to extend to all增强支持我的应用程序。)

2.2. object_toolkit_user C++ 面向对象开发工具包  

      This manual describes how to use PTC Creo Object TOOLKIT C++, an object based C++toolkit API for PTC Creo Parametric and PTC Creo Direct. PTC Creo Object TOOLKIT C++ makes possible the development of C++ programs that access the internal components of a PTC Creo session, to customize PTC Creo models.   
This manual assumes you have the following knowledge:  
• PTC Creo Parametric  
• PTC Creo Direct   
• The syntax and language structure of C++.
(上面英文大概意思:本手册描述如何使用面向对象的C + +的PTC相信,一个基于对象的C + +工具包API for参量和PTC PTC相信我的生活。PTC认为对象是可能的C + +工具包的C + +程序the development of the internal components of that access to我对PTC PTC相信session,自定义模型。
本手册是你的知识:The following•我想PTC特性•我想直接PTC•structure of the语法和语言C + +。)
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