Function Bin2Dec(InputData As String) As Double
'' This converts Binary to Decimal
Dim DecOut As Double
Dim I As Integer
Dim LenBin As Double
Dim JOne As String
LenBin = Len(InputData)
'' Make sure that it is a Binary Number
For I = 1 To LenBin
JOne = Mid(InputData, I, 1)
If JOne <> "0" And JOne <> "1" Then
MsgBox "NOT A BINARY NUMBER", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Next I
DecOut = 0
For I = Len(InputData) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "1" Then
DecOut = DecOut + 2 ^ (Len(InputData) - I)
End If
Next I
Bin2Dec = DecOut
End Function
Function Dec2Bin(InputData As Double) As String
'' Converts Decimal to Binary
'' This uses the Quotient Remainder method
Dim Quot As Double
Dim Remainder As Double
Dim BinOut As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim NewVal As Double
Dim TempString As String
Dim TempVal As Double
Dim BinTemp As String
Dim BinTemp1 As String
Dim PosDot As Integer
Dim Temp2 As String
'' Check to see if there is a decimal point or not
If InStr(1, CStr(InputData), ".") Then
MsgBox "Only Whole Numbers can be converted", vbCritical
GoTo eds
End If
BinOut = ""
NewVal = InputData
'' Start the Calculations off
NewVal = (NewVal / 2)
'' If we have a remainder
If InStr(1, CStr(NewVal), ".") Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1"
'' Get rid of the Remainder
NewVal = Format(NewVal, "#0")
NewVal = (NewVal - 1)
If NewVal < 1 Then
GoTo DoneIt
End If
BinOut = BinOut + "0"
If NewVal < 1 Then
GoTo DoneIt
End If
End If
GoTo DoAgain
BinTemp = ""
'' Reverse the Result
For I = Len(BinOut) To 1 Step -1
BinTemp1 = Mid(BinOut, I, 1)
BinTemp = BinTemp + BinTemp1
Next I
BinOut = BinTemp
'' Output the Result
Dec2Bin = BinOut
End Function
Function Bin2Hex(InputData As String) As String
'' Converts Binary to hex
Dim I As Integer
Dim LenBin As Integer
Dim JOne As String
Dim NumBlocks As Integer
Dim FullBin As String
Dim HexOut As String
Dim TempBinBlock As String
Dim TempHex As String
LenBin = Len(InputData)
'' Make sure that it is a Binary Number
For I = 1 To LenBin
JOne = Mid(InputData, I, 1)
If JOne <> "0" And JOne <> "1" Then
MsgBox "NOT A BINARY NUMBER", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Next I
'' Set the Variable to the Binary
FullBin = InputData
'' If the value is less than 4 in length, build it up.
If LenBin < 4 Then
If LenBin = 3 Then
FullBin = "0" + FullBin
ElseIf LenBin = 2 Then
FullBin = "00" + FullBin
ElseIf LenBin = 1 Then
FullBin = "000" + FullBin
ElseIf LenBin = 0 Then
MsgBox "Nothing Given..", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
NumBlocks = 1
GoTo DoBlocks
End If
If LenBin = 4 Then
NumBlocks = 1
GoTo DoBlocks
End If
If LenBin > 4 Then
Dim TempHold As Currency
Dim TempDiv As Currency
Dim AfterDot As Integer
Dim Pos As Integer
TempHold = Len(InputData)
TempDiv = (TempHold / 4)
'' Works by seeing whats after the deciomal place
Pos = InStr(1, CStr(TempDiv), ".")
If Pos = 0 Then
'' Divided by 4 perfectly
NumBlocks = TempDiv
GoTo DoBlocks
End If
AfterDot = Mid(CStr(TempDiv), (Pos + 1))
If AfterDot = 25 Then
FullBin = "000" + FullBin
NumBlocks = (Len(FullBin) / 4)
ElseIf AfterDot = 5 Then
FullBin = "00" + FullBin
NumBlocks = (Len(FullBin) / 4)
ElseIf AfterDot = 75 Then
FullBin = "0" + FullBin
NumBlocks = (Len(FullBin) / 4)
MsgBox "Big Time Screw up happened, WAHHHHHHHHHHH", vbInformation
Exit Function
End If
GoTo DoBlocks
End If
'' The rest will process the now built up number
HexOut = ""
For I = 1 To Len(FullBin) Step 4
TempBinBlock = Mid(FullBin, I, 4)
If TempBinBlock = "0000" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "0"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0001" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "1"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0010" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "2"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0011" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "3"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0100" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "4"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0101" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "5"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0110" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "6"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "0111" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "7"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1000" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "8"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1001" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "9"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1010" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "A"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1011" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "B"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1100" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "C"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1101" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "D"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1110" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "E"
ElseIf TempBinBlock = "1111" Then
HexOut = HexOut + "F"
End If
Next I
Bin2Hex = HexOut
End Function
Function Hex2Bin(InputData As String) As String
'' NOT
'' Converts Hexadecimal to Binary
Dim I As Integer
Dim BinOut As String
Dim Lenhex As Integer
'' The length of the input
InputData = UCase(InputData)
Lenhex = Len(InputData)
For I = 1 To Lenhex
If IsNumeric(Mid(InputData, I, 1)) Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "A" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "B" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "C" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "D" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "E" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "F" Then
GoTo NumOk
MsgBox "Number given is not in Hex format", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Next I
BinOut = ""
'' Convert the Number to Binary
For I = 1 To Lenhex
If Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "0" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0000"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "1" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0001"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "2" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0010"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "3" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0011"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "4" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0100"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "5" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0101"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "6" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0110"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "7" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "0111"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "8" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1000"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "9" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1001"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "A" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1010"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "B" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1011"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "C" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1100"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "D" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1101"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "E" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1110"
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "F" Then
BinOut = BinOut + "1111"
MsgBox "Something is Screwed up, Wahhhhhhhhhhh", vbCritical
End If
Next I
Hex2Bin = BinOut
End Function
Function Hex2Dec(InputData As String) As Double
'' Converts Hexadecimal to Decimal
Dim I As Integer
Dim DecOut As Double
Dim Lenhex As Integer
Dim HexStep As Double
'' Zeroise the output
DecOut = 0
'' The length of the input
InputData = UCase(InputData)
Lenhex = Len(InputData)
'' Check to make sure its a valid Hex Number
For I = 1 To Lenhex
If IsNumeric(Mid(InputData, I, 1)) Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "A" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "B" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "C" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "D" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "E" Then
GoTo NumOk
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "F" Then
GoTo NumOk
MsgBox "Number given is not in Hex format", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Next I
HexStep = 0
'' Convert the Number to Decimal
For I = Lenhex To 1 Step -1
HexStep = HexStep * 16
If HexStep = 0 Then
HexStep = 1
End If
If Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "0" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (0 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "1" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (1 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "2" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (2 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "3" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (3 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "4" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (4 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "5" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (5 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "6" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (6 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "7" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (7 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "8" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (8 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "9" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (9 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "A" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (10 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "B" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (11 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "C" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (12 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "D" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (13 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "E" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (14 * HexStep)
ElseIf Mid(InputData, I, 1) = "F" Then
DecOut = DecOut + (15 * HexStep)
MsgBox "Something is Screwed up, Wahhhhhhhhhhh", vbCritical
End If
Next I
Hex2Dec = DecOut
End Function |