参数解析非常详细 (html文档)
2/ 5轴主轴头和工作台联动
回转刀具主轴(B) 绕Y回转,工作台C 绕 Z 旋转,B 为零 ( 垂直)
define format ( A B C )
field width = 8
metric formats
decimal point = true
decimal places = 3
trailing zeros = false
leading zeros = false
imperial formats
decimal point = true
decimal places = 4
trailing zeros = false
leading zeros = false
end define
word order = ( + B C )
define keys
azimuth axis = B
elevation axis = C
end define
spindle azimuth rotation = true
azimuth axis units = degrees
azimuth axis direction = positive
azimuth centre = ( 0.0 0.0 185.56 ) ## 查看下面的注释-2
azimuth axis parameters = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1 0 )
spindle elevation rotation = false
elevation axis units = degrees
elevation axis direction = positive
elevation centre = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
elevation axis parameters = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 1 )
linear axis limits = ( -1750 0 1200.0 -875.0 875.0 -250.0 250.0 )
rotary axis limits = ( -110.0 110.0 -3600.0 3600.0 0.01 1 )
initial tool vector = ( 0 0 1 ) ## 主轴对齐于Z轴。 缺省
workplane angles = none ## 查看下面的注释-6
multiaxis coordinate transform = true
linearise multiaxis moves = true
minimise multiaxis retraction = true
retract at angular limit = true ## 缺省 = false
withdrawal amount = 100.0
integer 3 = 1
define block move rapid
N ; G1 ; G6 ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ; azimuth axis ; elevation axis ; S ; H ; M1 ; M2
end define
define block move linear
N ; G1 ; G2 ; x coord ; y coord ; z coord ; azimuth axis ; elevation axis ; tool radius ; feedrate ; M1 ; M2
end define
## This is the minimum requirement, it could well require additional embellishment to meet certain functions.
## It is not essential to have the rotary axes in the Rapid block as it isn’t used for multi axis working.
NOTE : For Heidenhain use G1 in place of “ rapid ” and “ linear ”, leave out G2, and us RR instead of “ tool radius ”